(Ugh. Seriously, I just started to type when my daycare baby climbed in my lap and burped in my face. Peanut butter...yum!)
Anyway. I have to type fast, because I'm typing one-handed now, and also because I will need to go back to the bathroom in approximately 10 seconds. To make a very long story short, I have a kidney stone that has grown rather attached to me, and to prove it's loyalty, it grew to a mamoth 14mm and decided to block my kidney for kicks. The doctors tried to blast it into little pieces, but it proved indestructible (or maybe it just hid out for an hour or so in my liver, and then came back to it's comfy abode all "Na na na na....I showed you people!") All I know is that it's STILL THERE. So now they're gonna have to go in surgically and pluck the monster out and it will probably have attached itself in there with super glue by then. Yay me! I'm going to have them save it for me, and maybe I will post a picture of it to warn the world of the dangers of...whatever causes kidney stones. Cheese, maybe? I don't even know. Down with cheese!
Also, Ben is still out of work. He is in the sheet-metal union, and when you are laid off your name is put on a list with all the other laid off people. When this whole thing started (on January 19th) he was number 74 on the list and as of yesterday he is number 36. Progress, yes? Very slow progress. We have no money, but on the bright side he has been home to supervise the children while I spend 20 hours a day in the bathroom... so there is that, I suppose. God is providing, and if Ben had been working I have no idea how I would have gotten back and forth to all of these appointments since we only have one car.
So therein lies the lesson of this hastily written blog post. If you absolutely have to grow an Abominable Kidney Stone, wait until your husband is laid off from his job. It will be ever-so-much more convenient.
But only if you just can't restrain yourself...and only then if you really, really like the ambiance in your bathroom.

Oh, oh that is awful! In case you care, I read an article this morning that said kidney stones were on the rise in kids due to the high salt content of lots of foods they eat. So I made the leap and assumed too much salt and not enough water? But I'll go with "down with cheese!" Hope to see a picture soon of that awful monster!
I've never had kidney stones but I'm its painful, I hope everything works out! =)
God bless
I can't say I've been there, done that with this one and I'm sorry you can. I hope you get to feeling better very VERY soon! By the way, if it has attached itself with superglue, tell your doctor to bring his fingernail polish remover to the O.R. Works like a charm to remove that nasty ol' glue.
SO sorry you've got such a bugger stone. Hang in there.
That is awful! I've been wondering where you were.
Sorry to hear about your kidney stone and Ben's lay-off. I am praying you get better soon -- I miss your brilliant posts!
Oh, man, Gwendolyn, I am so sorry. I have indeed missed you and keep checking back.
So sorry! I'll be praying for a quick recovery, AND a speedier journey to a new job. Hang in there!
Oh, no, that sounds SO awful! But you obviously haven't lost your sense of humor. :) Praying that they can take care of this quickly for you, AND that your hubby will be able to get work soon.
Wow, kidney stone's sound like a barrel of laughs! Hope they get it out quickly and painlessly! Hope a job comes up soon too. Glad you gave an update. I miss your posts!
Well, it's been two days since you posted this so I am hoping that your kidney stone is just a fond memory. (since I've heard kidney stones feel like giving birth, you can console yourself that you won't have to nurse and diaper this one. Unless of course you've gotten so attached to it since it's been around so long. Perhaps you can just give it a name.) Anyway, praying that you are feeling much better and praying for the job situation.
Glad that you came back for a visit...I missed you. But I am so sorry to learn that it is a kidney stone that is causing you issues.
What a Sister you are Gwen. I love your silver linings. THey shine with a special brilliance in contrast to the gray stench they surround. :) IS that peanut butter? no. teehee
The power of suggestion, however, might deter me from visiting your page again soon. Looking at this line of chocolates at the bottom of the post... they are calling my name, Evil Sugars!!! They are close friends of my nemesis, Candida. Grr.
Get well soon, sweet Lady, that you may be restored to your proper place at the kitchen sink. :P
Not funny, I know. Too true to be funny.
Praying that your will recover quickly. So sorry to hear you are in pain. I hope you can get relief soon.
So sorry to hear about your kidney stone! That's terrible~I pray you're much better very soon!!
I understand the money woes, too. My husband has been out of a regular job for 9 months now, but God has been so incredibly faithful. I can't even begin to tell you! I pray that your hubby will continue moving up that list quickly.
Been wondering about you! I will be praying for you....
Sooo sorry about the kidney stone and no work. Despite the convenience of an extra care taker I think that stress is the real cause of kidney stones.
Hugs and prayers!
Oh my gosh, what awful luck. I hope that you are feeling better soon. And that your hubby gets back on at his job. I completely understand the job stuff - my dad, brother-in-law, and father-in-law were all going through layoffs at the same time in December, and everyone else worried for their own jobs. It's so scary, but hopefully, the economy will get better soon and everyone will get their jobs back.
So sorry about your kidney stone and laid off hubby. Hope things change soon for you!
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