To all of you wondering why I am not posting much or commenting, I wanted to let you know that I am having major computer issues. Every time I go to comment, I get kicked off line, and if my post is too long, I will get kicked off before I can actually hit "publish post". This is very frustrating to me, as I have much craziness to report. Hopefully, we will have a new computer in the next couple of weeks (if Ben gets called back to work quickly, because he's been laid off and OH MY WORD, that is a whole other blog post in itself.). Until then, I'm here. Just...not.
Computers are so frustrating. Hope all is well soon. Will be praying for work to pick up.
Yeah - computers can be so anger inducing when they betray you. :) But, what can we say - we are adicted and will always go back to them even after betrayal.
I hope you are able to get a new one soon.
Now I am so hungry for chocolate that I will stoop to the old "find the bag of half open chocolate chips" trick.
Hope you're up and running again soon. Computers can be real frustrations sometimes.
I'm sorry about your computer problems. It's always such a hassle! I'm so sorry about Ben being laid off. The world seems to be a crazy place right now...
I'll be here waiting to hear about all your craziness! Hope you get your computer problems solved.
So glad to hear from you! Was wondering.... Blessings for a better week :)
Computers, you can't live with them and you can't live without them. It is such huge frustration when they have their little glitches, like we are supposed to know what to do. ARRRRG, from a fellow technical difficulties sufferer, it is a major bummer......
Hope you get back on soon, your wit is missed!
I've missed your "craziness reports". I totally understand your pain. My computer has been in the shop twice since December. And then, there's that ice storm that has kept us out of power for the better part of two days ... Still I'm not complaining. I have friends who are going to be without power for another 5 days!
my computer punks out on me every few months as well... we forgive you. :)
I've had that problem before too. I'm sorry you've been dealing with this frustration for a while.
Been wondering where you were--aren't computer problems the most frutrating thing?!! Mine crashed back in December and please don't even ask me about the Geek Squad.
love the blog look.
I miss you, Gwendolyn!
very frustrating. hope you're back soon!
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