Apparently, Thanksgiving, visiting relatives, a nasty cold followed by a stomach virus, and frantic Christmas decorating and shopping cause me to fall right off the face of the internet. Who would have thunk it? My google reader has a thousand un-read blog entries, and I have not blogged myself in so long that I can only assume that you all thought I was dead. If you even noticed, that is. But I like to imagine that you were all out of your minds with concern for my whereabouts, because that's just the kind of woman that I am. Feel free to tell me how much you missed me, and in between running back and fourth to the bathroom, I will feel free to feel all warm and fuzzy inside. It's a win-win situation.
But sadly, I'm not really back. Not with anything relevant to say, that is. Unless you count "OH MY GOSH DO YOU REALIZE HOW LITTLE TIME I HAVE LEFT TO GET READY FOR CHRISTMAS?" as relevant, and I do not. But at least, despite all of the holiday panic and rumbly, upset tummies my family has remained fairly agreeable. As Owen so tactfully pointed out the other night while eating a take-out hamburger, "This thing tastes like a dog peed on it! But...I'll eat it anyway."
I'm thinking of making that our family motto.

Oh my word, that boy will keep you laughing!
I'm sorry that you have been sick. I hope you are up and running (away from the bathroom) very soon!
And yes, you were missed in Blog Land.;)
Happy Holidays!
God Bless,
yeah, not much time left... gotta get stompin' here too! LOVE your new avatar! cute!
So glad you're still alive. Though it may sound like you don't agree with that from all your sickness. Hope you feel better soon!
And I'm ignoring how close it is. Denial. It's the only way.
Glad to see you're back. I was concerned, and I missed hearing new things about Owen. I'm glad he sacrificed and ate take out food for you! Hope you're better soon!
Glad your are "sort of" back....Hope you can stay healthy :) I am behind too.....
You're hilarious, that's a killer family motto, love it.
I missed you, I love your posts, relevant or not.
Hope everyone is on the mend.
that is a great family motto. sorry to hear you guys have been sick.
That is pretty much my favorite quote of the year. Owen rocks!
Glad to see you back and so sorry for all the viral affection! And, um, yeah, I'm still living like it's August. I wandered some stores yesterday and did not return Christmas shopping victorious--hmmmmm....maybe the kids would like a new refrigerator this year, something like that.
I noticed that you and Antique Mommy and several others had gone AWOL... not too surprising at this time of year. Glad you are better.
I totally LOVE the animated character on your blog that waves to me - now she's got the holiday spirit!
Glad you're back!! Love your new shakin' hip girl w/ mistletoe!! hee hee
I laughed out loud when I read that about the dog pee. Oh my gosh, where do they come up with this stuff?! That was hilarious!!
I pray you feel 100% soon
Love the new family motto!!! Creative kid! Sorry your snowed under by illness. I'm just crazy busy. And havent been able to blog anything that resembles a real thought. I think I still have a few (thoughts), but I'm not sure how to find them!
Love the motto! Glad your "kinda of back"!!
Make sure and put your family motto on the top of your blog. :) Glad to see you back. I hope you feel better. I am feeling a little ill myself today.
hope you feel better soon. colds are just so nasty.
Glad to see you back! That is the best family motto EVER!!
W.V.= refane, being profane again.
B-O-Y-S...nuf said! and my how you're getting your holiday groove on in your avatar picture. know what? i don't think i've seen what you look like...need to go back and poke around on your posts soon.
LOVE the new family motto! It would totally fly around here. Well, if there was anything to eat. I've just cleaned out my frig and realized my kids really meant there was nothing to eat. Lol.
Hope you are better soon. That bug is floating around here too.
We had a little visitor that said my grapes tasted like a cat had farted on them. Little boys imaginations. Puzzling.
Ha! I love boys, good thing because I raised 2 of them! Or they raised me? Anyway, I did wonder where you were, hope you feel better soon.
HaHa! Don't you just love boys?! Great motto. And, what precisely are you doing with that snowman??
You just joined the rest of us who fell off the face of the internet over the holidays, lol!
The family motto is great! Keep it!
Sorry you were all sick. Christmas is coming fast!
Sorry you were so sick..this post cracked me up.
I'm doing the running back and forth thing myself... not much fun at all:(
My boys would love your Owen! TOO funny,lol.
Your kids are like a sitcom writer's dream! Glad you're back. Thanks for the comments about followers. Must. stop. the. insanity.
Girl, stop that sidebar dancing, and get to work with your Christmas things!
Funny story! I have watched kids in my home off and on for about 9 years. I have such a hard time taking care of my own kids when they are sick. Someone else's sick kid kind of puts me over the edge. Funny stuff! Oh, how I can relate!
Mrs. Nurse Boy
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