Yesterday, there came a moment in time where Ben was off doing something somewhere in the house, Josie was taking a nap, Grace and Alex were outside playing and I, let's just say that I was "indisposed". I thought that Owen was with Ben, so I was puzzled when I heard him frantically calling for me. I called back, but he did not hear me and only grew more upset. I rushed out and found him running down the stairs near tears, so I swept him up into my arms and hugged him. "Did you think we had all gone off and left you?" I asked him, smiling.
"No!" he replied, obviously relieved. "I just figured that the police had come and taken you all to jail!"
This week’s prompt from Five Minute Friday is the word, “pursue.”
I’ve written a few times in the past about goodness and mercy pursuing us
(as found...
17 hours ago
Out of the mouths of babes.;)
Too funny!
Blessings, Whitney
I wonder why he thought that. My kids say the funniest things and keep me laughing.
LOL! Cute! What a snappy and smart response!
How funny! The things kids think of. Now that begs the question ... why did he think That? lol.
I agree ... that is just too funny! Owen thinks differently than most ... I love it!
Oh my goodness! That is just way, way too funny!
LOL Too funny!! =)
BTW, come on over to my blog; I have an award waiting for you!! =)
What is it with kids and the police. Hilarious post.
so what exactly goes on there when you are NOT blogging?
ROFL bless that is soo funny ;)Love it!
That is hysterical!
Aw, thanks for a literal laugh out loud. That's classic.
HA! Owen sounds like my Michael :)
That's too funny!
Unless, of course, your history indicates that it's a possibility! =P
Oh my! What IS going on at your house??
Ya gotta love the way kids think! LOL
Isn't it great to have a blog where you can find an appreciative audience PLUS a way to keep a record of all this wonderfulness?
Came by to visit and enjoyed catching up with your posts. You're not a lame blogger. You are a wonderful blogger! Happy Thanksgiving.
What in the world do you get up to at your house the makes your kid think that? LOL.
My goodness your kids are some of the funniest in blogland! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. You are a blessing to me!
You know what, I wish they still had that show "Kids say the Darndest things" and that Owen could star on it. He would be an absolute RIOT. I cannot believe some of the stuff that he comes up with...he cracks me up.
Thats Hilarious! hahahahahah
Kids say the darnest things!
-Just a fellow blogger, blog surfing! lol
Isn't it funny what comes out of their mouths sometimes?
Too cute!
That is one clever kid you've got there!
Oh my. He has confidence you won't abandon him. Hmmmm. Kids do have the funniest ideas!
LOL!!! That is one of the best kidisms ever.
Oh my word! That is too funny! My daughter tells people all the time that her mommy is going to jail, when they ask why she tells them because she won't wear a seatbelt.
That's quite an imagination!
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