I love my new blog design! And I can totally say that without patting myself on the back, because I had nothing to do with it. (Well, I had a little to do with it, if you count sending someone some pictures and saying, "Um...I think I like brown. And maybe blue." My creativity amazes even me.) Jackie (http://rjsmomentsandmemories.blogspot.com/) designed this blog for me and I am in love with it. Isn't she talented? Much more talented than I am, since I can't even get links to work right now, so I'm having to lamely copy and past her blog address. Sigh. Y'all ignore my ineptness and go over and tell her how great she is for me...and while you are there, stay awhile and read because on top of everything else she is also a talented writer and you will so enjoy her blog. But then come back and stare at the beautifulness. Because that is what I will be doing.
Oh Gwendolyn! I love it love it love it!! I am SO excited because Jackie is working on one for me too!! Yay!
I can't wait for the big reveal, too. This so suits you, I think. I especially love the chocolates separator after your sig. Too cute!!
Beautiful!!! I LOVE it!!!! It is very you :)
I love it. It's gorgeous and suits you well
Very nice, the colors or nice and the type is very easy to read. We are fairly new at this and are hopeing to get to know some wonderful people such as yourself. Please visit us and give us a few hints to improve our blog. thanks Stu and Marilyn PS We Love Chocolate.............
You're too cute - glad you like it! Let me know if you want anything changed.
By the way, I have not been stalking your blog today, really I haven't. I know on your live feed thingy it keeps showing that I keep coming by, but it is because I had to keep fixing little things that were not quite right on the design. But...hopefully I'm done now. :)
It's great! I love it too! And the chocolates at the end of your post are awesome.
I DO love it! It's so chocolatey and yummy looking!
Congrats! It is lovely!
It's gorgeous! I love it!! Congrats on your new design.
I love it!! I especially like the three columness of it. *sigh* someday I'll have one! It's so pretty, with all its blue and brownness!
Very nice!
The chocolate looks good enough to eat.
Hey nice look! Congratulations!
Gwendolyn Dear - you have an award waiting for you ... stop by to receive it! :)
Beautifulness at it's best! I love it!:)
I love it!! Jackie rocks - as do you. :)
Oh my gosh, I love it!!! Looks fabulous!! =)
I love it:)
I LOVE the new look! Happy New Year :)
You are looking so good! And I so love the avatar banging her silver on the table. I always smile when I visit your site.
One of my goals is to give my blog a makeover. Actually that's a lot less intimidating than giving myself a makeover! You've inspired me.
Hey,Gwendolyn! Thanks for stopping by. I just wanted to make sure that you did read the post in which you were linked in receiving an award. If you did not see it - check the post titled, "You'll Never Guess What Made Me Tickled Pink Today ..."
Blessings Always,
Looks great! I want to learn html so bad!!
I love the little set of chocolates between each post! Makes me hungry.
Your new layout looks fabulous! Happy birthday tomorrow ...
I like it! I like it!!!
Oh, I love your new header!
So I have someone designing me one as well, with pics of my kids as well... so please don't think I copied!!! Of course, it won't be exactly the same; different title, different colors, different pictures... maybe I'm a little too worried about the copy, eh? LOL
She did a very nice job.
I like the blog look. I am trying to catch up and am not sure who I have left comments on and don't see mine here so I left you an award on my blog you can pick up, or, or not.
Your new design really looks great! I love blue & brown, too!
I do like it alot. I'm a big fan of brown and blue together and brown and pink together!
Yay! Your blog is fantastic! That cartoon lady banging her silverware on the table is awesome! I love it when people help design blogs...I was equally blessed by Esthermay. Looks like I'm your first hit from Africa! Come see Esther's amazingness at my blog... www.alumpofclayinafrica.blogspot.com
All those chocolate pieces are making me get that craving...
I love the design!
she did a great job! i think the design is bad for my diet though...
stop by when you get a chance...i passed along a blog award to you today...
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