Thursday, September 18, 2008

Last night I walked in to find Owen licking his arm. Since I have learned by now that certain things are best not asked about I didn't comment, but he caught me looking at him.

"I taste horrible." He informed me.

I searched my mind for an appropriate response to that, but came up empty. Finally, sensing that he was waiting for me to answer, I said the only thing that I could think of to say. "Really?"

"Yes." He answered, very seriously. "But that's good. Because now, if anyone eats me, they will spit me out. So instead of getting eaten, I will just be wet."

And then he left the room.

Allrightythen. I guess I should be thankful that I can now cross Owen getting eaten off of my list of immediate concerns. That's a load off of my mind, I can assure you.


Jennifer said...

Good to know!

CrossView said...

I'm so glad to know that. It confirms my suspicions. Didn't you just always wonder if boys taste yucky??!!

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

You are a total riot. These last two posts are hilarious. I'd like to add you to my blogroll (if I haven't already--bad memory). I LOVE your humor.

Crystal Malek said...

Oh my goodness, that is hilarious! Mine are constantly saying things that are horribly wrong yet delightfully funny. He tastes horrible.....too hysterical.

carrhop said...

Whew! What a relief for him!!

Great post!

Of course, I had to come over and meet you when I saw the title of your blog--we may have a lot (or at least one very important food obsession item) in common!


His Girl said...

that's good stuff! hahaha.

Sara@iSass said...

Really he tastes bad huh? One of mine smells like warm butter and the other one always smells fruity sweet. I guess I got lucky.
But just so you don't think I'm going to eat my children, I prefer chocolate. oh and spagetti.

SmilingSally said...

It's girls who are made of "sugar and spice" so of course little boys don't taste good. I knew that. lol

Edith said...

Thanks for your comment on my blog. I had to laugh when I read this - love it - having boys myself.

Have a blessed day.

Anonymous said...

Hi there, I clicked over from having a 2nd cup of coffee with Linda and loved my visit. Great stories and well written I'll be back!

PJ said...

Wow! What a relief! But the wet part might be a nuisance.