My little daycare boy is...leaky. Mucousy. Wheezy. If he were not so adorable (and I were not getting paid) I would be backing away from him while brandishing a crucifix and wailing "UNCLEAN! UNCLEAN!". That is, if I owned a crucifix. Which I don't. But anyway. You get the picture.
The problem is, he is ALWAYS like this, and he has been here since August. I have mentioned the possibility of allergies to his mother, but she just looks at me and blinks. Maybe he has been this way so long that she can't comprehend a non-phlemy child? I can only assume that she is pondering what to do to stop the flow of...ick...but until then I'm swimming in Kleenex. I thought about teaching him to wipe his own nose, and then strapping a box of tissues to one side of him and a small trash can to the other, but he has only been walking for a few months and I figured that was asking a bit much. Plus he'd probably eat the tissues. Or take them all out of the box and decorate my couch. Either way I think I'm stuck chasing him around the house all day chanting "Ew...Ew...Ew", and that is time-consuming, not to mention hard on the vocal chords. Do you think I could collect disability if I lost my voice? Or my nose-wiping capabilities?
Childcare is fraught with danger, y'all. Remember that.
Anyway, the other day Alex was sitting on the floor playing with Mucous Boy, and he looked up at me and smiled. "I just love babies!" He said, and I agreed that babies were quite wonderful. Mucous Boy wheezed his approval. "When I grow up, I am going to pray that God gives me a baby like this." Alex continued. I paused a moment to wonder what qualities he admired so in this particular child. Was it the big brown eyes? The chubby cheeks? The adorable way that he babbles, sounding exactly as if he is speaking Mandarin Chinese with a southern accent? I did not have to wait long for my answer.
He leaned in toward the baby's head and listened. Mucous Boy took in a rattly breath and grinned. Alex smiled back. "I want God to give me a baby that purrs JUST LIKE THIS ONE!"
Great. Just what I always wanted. Purring grandchildren.
Do you think I could keep him from praying that prayer if I buy him an asthmatic cat?
This week’s prompt from Five Minute Friday is the word, “pursue.”
I’ve written a few times in the past about goodness and mercy pursuing us
(as found...
17 hours ago
Oh my goodness that was gross and hilarious all at the same time!
LOL!:) You are so funny!
I'm laughing and gagging at the same time.;)
Too funny - love the description. I certainly could not be a childcare provider - you have my admiration and thanks.
we used to call the kids the glazed donut monster .. they would wipe thier noses all over their faces and then come after you rasping and glazy
good to see ya back
After the "blonde" morning I have had, I needed this laugh. Sorry about the germs, though. Perhaps you might invest in a lifetime supply of rubber gloves?
Very funny! That was so sweet that he thought the baby was purring - how adorable!! =)
This was hysterical! The suspense at the end...what did he like about this baby? How cute are you!
I'm with Amy here: laughing and gagging at the same time!
You are soooooo funny. lol
lol! funny as always, I love your blog!
Humor- what would we do without it?? Thanks for the smile today. And I'd rather my grandbabies don't purr. I have a cat for that.
You are so funny! Made my day! I have one of those snot ridden babies at my house too...but my version does not purr...he does bark though! Woof!
I hope God blesses me with a kid as funny as yours.
I have such a fondness for snot syndrome. Ok, a more like a if I NEVER see another runny booger in my life it won't be long enough fondness. Some parents need a good sneeze and snot in the mouth to get it don't they?
Alex, now THAT is funny.
I'll take the cat please.
Ha! Leave it to a munchkin to hear flemy, mucousy wheezing as "purring"! That is so cute & funny! Thanx for sharing!
That was hysterical and adorable (and ok, kinda icky too)!
Oh, my gosh - you had me rolling on this one! I do so love your sharing! :)
BTW, Tag, you're it! Stop by to play!
LoL! That's so funny! Now I'll try to think of sick little kids as purring sniffly kittens instead of ... well, let's just say I have the same crucifix-brandishing desires, lol.
Oh, I like that word fraught, too. Fraught with danger! Fraught fraught fraught!
Thanks for the comment on my blog. :-) I know, it's horrible not having a good book to read! The one I'm reading now is good, too - The Shadow of Colossus by T.L. Higley.
God bless!
Thanks so much for the my boys are behind me fighting and yelling at each other the dog and whoever is around them!!!
Too cute, and gross! My little guy purrs sometimes. He's not gooey, though. And I LOVED the pic Owen drew on your last post. I think that was how a lot of faces were looking that night.
Hello my friend. This post was hilarious! I have some award love to throw at you. I hope you come claim it at my blog.
My nephew is like that. I hate my hugs good-bye but I do love the little man.
purring grandchildren...still laughing! great post.
That is so funny! Poor little purring mucous boy!
You absolutely need to submit this to a magazine. It is priceless! It made my day!
This is possibly the best thing I have seen all day!
I love how Alex saw it as "purring" instead of a dripping, phlemy wheezing. :)
Aww, that's so adorable that Owen saw it as purring ... I love the way you write!
Thanks for coming by yesterday. I love rainy days, too, if I can stay home; most times I have to be out in it ... which makes ME have mucous! See, I can relate to almost any post!
Linda @ 2nd Cup sent me over! My symapthies - and you have one cute little boy! That is priceless!!
That was so cute.
Sandy Cooper
Out of the mouths of babes! That is God's love through the eyes of a child! Perfect love! And EVER so sweet!
Linda from 2nd Cup of Coffee sent me over to read this story. So funny! Poor little guy. I would be thinking "ick", too, though.
You should submit this to cute story! You are a great writer. That's where I got my publishing start.
After a very rough morning, this story made me smile. My two-year-old had a few mucousy weeks due to allergies this fall, so I really appreciate this one!
Bless his heart! Poor thing, but he probably doesn't know any different quality of life, LOL. Too cute - a purring grandson...
I am laughing so hard!! That is sooooo funny!
Having a dayhome myself, I can totally relate. I'm already stocking up on extra kleenex and purell hand sanitizer for the coming winter.
Your boy is quite the optimist. A purring baby. That is sweet.
ok, that was just laugh out loud funny!
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