Well, we survived Halloween. This is the crazy bunch that we took out last night in a quest for more candy than anyone has a right to eat. From left to right: Owen and my niece Faith (they are four days apart in age and they adore each other. I would totally take Faith to live at my house and raise them as twins, but my brother won't let me. He's always been mean like that.) Then there is Grace, whose very short costume would have required pants even if the temperatures did not, Alex looking like he is trying to catch flies with his mouth, and my other niece Rose, doing...I have no idea what. But she is cute doing it. And in the front is my little nephew who was the most adorable puppy ever even if he was grumpy from getting vaccinated yesterday.
Here is a better picture of the grumpy puppy, just so that you can fully comprehend the adorableness. Don't you just want to chew on his cheeks?
No pictures were taken of the actual trick-or-treating because my camera died and I had to rely on my sister-in-law for pictures. For some reason, she did not want to chase my children from house to house snapping pictures of them for my blog. I think it was rather heartless of her, but whatever. It's not like she was tired from taking care of three children and my post-surgery brother or anything.

This is Grace after the candy was harvested, and she is appropriately slap-happy. Somewhere along the Halloween trail, she lost her bracelet, so this smile was wonderful to see after all of the lost-bracelet tears had been shed.

Alex is wondering why he has to be subjected to such foolishness.
And here again are Owen and Faith, after the costumes had been shed and Faith finished peeing on Josie's lap. We can only assume that the excitement was too overwhelming to make it to the bathroom, but I found it completely hilarious that she picked my oldest daughter to have an accident on. Josie is the biggest germiphobe that I know. All the way home from my brother's house, she kept chanting, "I am cold, wet, and unsanitary!" As usual, she would not let anyone get a picture of her, but just trust me...it was funny.

Alex is wondering why he has to be subjected to such foolishness.

TOO CUTE! We had a Tinkerbell too, plus a Peter Pan and an Indian Chief. Surprisingly the weather held and we did a whole mile of Trick or Treating, which for us was PLENTY - they got 5 lbs worth of candy!
Blessings, Whitney
LOL!:) That reminds me of Lucy on the Peanuts special when Snoopy kisses her, and she starts screaming, "Somebody get me some disinfectant!" ;)
Sounds like a fun night for all!:)
Wow, I can't believe your sil wouldn't take picks for you. Some people are SOOO selfish! ;-)
Sounds like you all had a fun night.
I really do want to chew on that puppies cheeks
They all looks so cute. I love seeing everyone's kids in their costumes:) I love your blog BTW. It always makes me laugh so stinkin hard and believe me I need a good laugh these days;)
I love Josie's cold, wet, and unsanitary. That is classic. Nice pictures.
Holy cow, what a busy and exciting night! Such a bunch of cuties. I just love kiddos in costume, it's so freaking cute! :)
Well the grumpy puppy is adorable! As are the rest of the children, of course!
The cold, wet, and unsanitary comment is so hysterical...little kids seem to know who to "pick" don't they? lol
Awesome picture of the kids in costume - LOVE the little puppy. Just precious!! =)
Beautiful, cute, cute pics! Glad you all had a great time. Don't you love to see the effects of that much sugar on little bodies? So much fun, but glad it's once a year!
Such cutie patooties!
I was about to say...my children act like this all the time. Are you telling me that normal children need a sugar high to achieve such behavior? LOL
Um...to anyone reading my comments...I somehow just commented on my own blog while trying to comment on someone else's. I do not have any idea how I did this, but I am sure that it takes talent. Now I am very confused and must go lie down.
Adorable!! Gosh....I have such cute nieces and nephews! And I must say, Faith's costume was my favorite.....but that's only because she was my favorite Disney character. And she made a cute Tink, too!
But, they all looked really cute and happy that they got more candy than any of them ever need....especially Owen and Faith. I bet the day after was a fun event for both you and our dear brother. :)
what adorable trickertreaters.
Couldn't help but stick a brief comment here at the complete cuteness of all! They were precious!!!
I only got one picture of one of my 5 grandsons! AND it was because the others DID NOT want their picture made! Believe it or not!
Love the costumes! Thanks for sharing :)
Cold, wet and unsanitary! I guess there are worse things, but I can't think of what right now! :)
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