I should have used the snot picture as a wordless wednesday... i have thought I should start that kind of a post, but I am pretty sure if I tried that it would turn into WORDFUL Wednesday!
This week’s prompt from Five Minute Friday is the word, “pursue.”
I’ve written a few times in the past about goodness and mercy pursuing us
(as found...
What a week it has been! My book hit #5 on the New York Times bestseller
list, Sophie got a new HVAC unit (not as exciting, but still, significant),
and Ha...
What a week it has been! Melanie’s book hit #5 on the New York Times
bestseller list, I got a new HVAC unit (not as exciting, but still,
significant), and ...
…is that I have a recurring weekly task in my Todoist to remind me to
practice saying *Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch* (the
Hello Ladies,I am making an effort to visit with you more often.Today in
the video I talked about a number of things that make being a full time
homemaker ...
*Carlos F Fábregas*
Hace algún tiempo, por casualidad, me topé con una pintura que capturó mi
atención de inmediato. Al investigarla, descubrí que se ...
Can hardly believe our He-Twin has been a college graduate now for a month!
Unlike covid-impacted high school graduation, VCU's Class of 2024 was able
to h...
Have you ever been to Alaska? We’ve always wanted to go and this summer The
Joshua Fund is hosting an “Epicenter Briefing” at sea. Come with us! It’ll
Ah, let us chat once more before we close the books on this stupidly crazy
year! Let's see, there was a plane trip, and COVID, and lots of failed job
Dear Noah, I can't believe I'm writing this... but happy 18th birthday. You
know I've cried over this many times already, ;) buy ultimately I am so
very h...
One of my favorite pastimes is putting a wide array of random items in my
Amazon shopping cart knowing full well I will never actually purchase any
of th...
The physical therapy industry is rapidly developing. There are more types
of physical therapy out there than you might think! Physical therapists
can he...
I hope you’ve all been doing well, staying safe, and (hopefully) getting
back to some glimpse of normal. I know normal is a relative term, and I
swear, I s...
Get excited people!!! It's giveaway time! Giveaway is now closed.
Congratulations to Brenda Peterson and Barbara Ann!!!
Those of you who have been followin...
Happy New Year! Knitting and crocheting are off to a great start for me so
far. It's hard to let myself *not *work on something these days. Instead of
Good morning!
When I was active in mlm the question was asked frequently, what is your
"why"? Why do you want to do what you do?
I always came up with good,...
Berikut Rewiew 3 product Furniture Jepara – Jual Mimbar Masjid Minimalis,
Kursi Ruang Tamu Kayu Jati Dan Jual Tempat Tidur Anak Set
Harga Mimbar Masjid
Berikut beberapa produk Mebel Minimalis – Harga Mimbar Masjid, Kursi Tamu
Kayu Jati & Harga Tempat Tidur Ukiran Jepara
Mosque Minbar
Mimbar merupakan p...
[image: Image result for gas pump]I worked at a gas station during the last
semester of my senior year in high school in order to acquire enough
spending ...
[image: Kitchen Sink Soap Dispenser Design]Kitchen sink soap dispenser –
The kitchen sink sprayer, also known as a plant sprayer, located on the
upper si...
*Vow of Justice*
Blue Justice, Book 4
Lynette Eason
(Revell Publishing)
ISBN: 978-0800727208
August 2019/336 pages/$15.99
*Playing dead might just get her...
Along with coming back to blogging, I want to get back to You Tube also. I
miss making videos and all that goes along with it. I will be doing
Thursday Thr...
At the family reunion this year, we decided to post some of our creative
endeavors. Growing up, survival was more important than creativity,
especially fo...
Once upon a time, tv commercials were America's common language. They were
catchy, they were inescapable, they were universal. In the glory days of
We sat in therapy and he had tears in his eyes, "I just don't understand.
We are living the dream. House, kids, everything we prayed for. Why isn't
that ...
Emmanuel, God with us...
This Christmas, I've been particularly struck by the fact that God was
silent for 400 years before that very first Christmas. ...
This is a family favorite. Both my girls (1 who lives at home and 1 who
doesn't) decided to make cookies today. While I do have the recipe
memorized I keep...
Lately I’ve been admiring a variety of fun wall hangings made with yarn on
Pinterest– aren’t they pretty? They look simple enough that I decided to
Hey, y'all! I'm back again this week for what is unintentionally becoming a
weekly blog. I have been really sick. Just too sick to think about words
and ...
The following is an actual e-mail that I wrote to Emme’s boss (Emme is a
life guard, btw.): Hi Kristin, Emme told me that she has a mandatory
in-service me...
I would like to help you with your binge-watching. Call me an enabler. For
more binge-worthy shows you can stream on Netflix and Amazon Prime, see
Part One...
This is the view outside our front window.
It looks like nothing, right? Just an empty lot.
However, a month ago, a house stood here. A house that had b...
Um monte de gente como a platina, ou branco loiro, cor do cabelo e gostaria
de saber como conseguir cabelos loiros brancos. Este pode ser um olhar
Mean middle school girls annoy me. And right now, I've got two of them in
My Happy Little Portable. And they're all up there for bullying other
On 9/11, I lost one of my closest friends in the world, Andrew Golkin.
Every year since that tragedy, I've both memorialized and remembered him by
writing ...
Our yard has some bare spots that have been bugging me. I picked up a bag
of grass seed, prepared the soil, spread the seed and watered it in.
Faithfully. ...
As you may have already guessed, the title of this post is a play on one of
the most influential and poignant books written in our day, *Mere
My daughter-in-law came up with this fun idea to promote summer reading
with our granddaughter. But we quickly realized it's fun for the adults
too. I have...
Every Friday is date day for me and Mike. We take turns planning the day
and this date was mine to plan. Here is my plan: Pick up Palm Branches for
We’re 9 months in love with Hudson Bradley. How in the world are we a few
months away from a whole year with this chuck o’love? Watch out, World!
This b...
This is a post for my imaginary pastor's wife friends in cyberspace. I
don't know your names or faces but I feel like I know you. And you know me.
Some day...
Nam eu nisi non quam ultrices lacinia non sit amet urna. Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi pulvinar felis at massa
auctor, ac ...
Well I blinked and the first two weeks of January were gone. Chris and I
had a conversation this week about when might be a good week to take a shot
at t...
Once there was a man who loved to run. In running he felt alive, and
free. It was effortless and so he ran often. People loved to watch the man
run. Th...
Lauren and I have been reading a book called The Sign of the Beaver for
history. I didn't realize how much she was enjoying it until a few days
ago when a...
In reading this morning words from Oswald Chambers, I was struck by the
purpose of them, let me see if you hear what I heard:
*"In the natural life our am...
This morning, Yummy Man was reading to Two-Year-Old, who kept pointing to
something in the book, saying a word we hadn’t heard before. He said it
over and ...
As our homeschool takes some time off this summer, my mind almost never
stops thinking of and planning ahead for the upcoming school year. This is
So yesterday I mentioned the riveting information about my lost fitbit.
It's really no wonder that in the past 87 days I had gotten emails from
strangers ...
[image: A Lasting Impression (Belmont Mansion, #1)]A Lasting Impression by Tamera
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I loved this story. In the beginning of...
Hello! Welcome to *Blue Monday!* For complete instructions, just click here.
Please leave a comment for me; I guarantee that I'll visit and leave one
for y...
Bensin ekonomis mengisi Terpercaya Jasprom 0823 2825 5980Jasprom terpercaya
bahan bakar teguh ekonomis | Terima kasih jika Anda saat ini mengunjungi
[image: Under Construction]
The Christ in Prophecy Journal blog is getting a face-lift! Over the next
two months your Web team of Nathan and Steven will ...
The last time I blogged, I believe it was snowing. We're about there again,
except we're in the middle of a record week for warm temps.
(Thanks for the wea...
I'm going to take a deep breath and put this out there:* I suffer from
anxiety attacks from time to time*, and *today has been super rough*. I
share this n...
One of the things that I’m getting braver about is marking up my Bible.
Aside from the normal underlining and making a little sidenote here or
there, typ...
Today I feel very alone - the friend I often have breakfast with on Friday
mornings is not available this morning and it seems like a long time since
Cream La Tansa beauty Care dengan racikan bahan-bahan aman dan alami sangat
cocok digunakan pada semua jenis kulit baik kulit kering atau berminyak.
Three years since I darken my cutie patootie little blog that I love so
I can't believe that it has been three whole years. Geeze Louise, what i...
I mentioned I'm recovering from a pretty major hip surgery. I've debated
whether to share the details here, but I have decided I will. I will
document my p...
You just never know what a day is going to bring, and while you can't sit
around fretting about what-ifs, it would be nice if you could be prepared
in some...
There are conflicting reports and theories on when American Indians arrived
and when they arrived in the german pottery makers following paragraphs how
Every Lent, for almost seven years, we've laid out the wreath. And then
nightly during the forty days we've lit the candle, read the Word, sung
Do you use 4-digit passcodes on your iPhone or iPad? If your iPhone or iPad
is stolen an attacker can guess the four-digit passcode, which allows for
I was so fortunate enough to watch this young man grow up. Boy, it seems
like just yesterday Mason (my nephew) was passionately talking about
spiderman. ...
I never thought I would be making my dogs homemade dog treats but I love
knowing what is going into my dogs' treats and being able to make sure all
the ing...
You’re still here? I like you. Come join me on my new blog
DropsofAwesome.com. I’m leaving the archives up on DaringYoungMom.com, but
new content is happen...
Wise words from a friend I love. And if this doesn’t remain as my
underlying foundation, I will sink like a stone. Thankful that God knows
where I am and w...
Man. I am struggling with some loneliness tonight. I worry that all
relationships are superficial and not worth putting time into. I worry
that maybe ...
Below is a video from the 2013 Mackinac Policy Conference where Governor
Snyder explains his vision of P20 education from "prenatal to life long
We managed to get a few walks in on hot summer days to pick berries, before
these recent days of summer rains and thunderstorms set in. On these rainy
I had a dream about church recently...I dreamed that I was a kid, and I was
given a paper lunch sack to carry. The top was all scrunched over and
folded d...
T his past week has been a humbling and healing time, which, in time, I
will write about, but is part of my delay in writing this review for the
blog tour ...
Heaven Is for Real: A Little Boys Astounding Story of His Trip to Heaven
and Back."*Heaven is for Real* is a a heartwarming, simple, and
surprisingly bibli...
I’m still blogging in my mind, but no one has invented the Telepathic Blog
App yet, so I can’t prove it. I did, however, attend a fun and refreshing
When Barbara died I found a book on Southern etiquette because I wanted to
find out what a gentleman like Rhett Butler would have done in my place. I
Wow, has it really been over a month since #RiskRejection "officially"
ended? I guess so, but we're going to keep going with monthly updates
because, well,...
I think we have started a new tradition in our family for Christmas day. A
teacher at my kids school organizes a day for some recruits from a near by
I don't put a lot of product suggestions on our blog but I thought with
Christmas coming, I would tell you about this cool techie gadget I use.
I've never ...
Starting a new blog... need to figure out how to archive this one & delete
it or print it in a blurb book for safe keeping... if you want a link to
the new...
*Find Rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from Him. He alone is
my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will not be shaken. Psalm
Yesterday we opened the box on a much-anticipated new program for our
little homeschool: The One Year Adventure Novel.
My kids like adventures, and nove...
We are all settled in at the new address, if you've forgotten to change
your RSS feed and you're wondering where everyone is:
We are all settled in at the new address, if you've forgotten to change
your RSS feed and you're wondering where everyone is:
If yo...
*איך לבחור ציור קיר *
קצת הקדמה ציורי קיר הם אחד הפתרונות העיצוביים המקובלים היום לקישוט פנים של
מבנה. המון אנשים פונים לתחום זה של האומנות :בעלי בתים, בעל...
"MOM! You missed Grace!" my 14 year old said to me. I was in the middle of
a bit of a tirade with him telling him exactly what I think about attitude
and ...
I was sitting in the old blue chair that I inherited after my Grandpa
passed away. Maddie was drinking her bottle as I watched Noah and Alice
tease each ...
This weekend started our Advent calendar. I gathered 24 books and wrapped
them... now, before you think me superbly organized, I should note that I
Recently, I happened across an AMAZING recipe website. *I don't know where
this has been all my life, but I'm so glad I found it!* The site is Six
*(Fair warning, dear friends, this blog post plagiarizes from various
Facebook statuses and comments I’ve posted over the last year or so.)*
The boys started school today. All of us were ready for school to start -
me most of all. Kaitlyn is asleep, and I've got a sink full of dishes to
We have moved to Canada! It's crazy-we know-but it is gonna be an amazing
adventure for our family! Since we won't be able to just pick up the phone
and ca...
*Come see me at my full-time site, Recovering Church Lady.*
*For my long time friends met through*
*Walking Butterfly,*
*here is an updated pic of my amazi...
Okay. Don't pass out. Yes, I realize it has been since last September that
I posted at this blog. Oh, I wish I could promise more, but alas, life is
full ....
*"Any concept of grace that makes us feel*
*more comfortable sinning*
*is not Biblical grace.*
*God’s grace never encourages us to live in sin,*
*on ...
I have been making lots of notepads and sending them out all over the US.
It has been fun creating new notepads in my Etsy Shop.
Here are a few that I lis...
God created women to be life givers & the enemy of our soul wants to
destroy life. He manipulates & twists God’s truth until we believe it. At
age 17, I ...
That's how I feel. Like Santa pulled through.
I haven't written in this blog for two years. That's way too long. It's
been a difficult two years ... I woul...
I've been gone so long that the emails have stopped coming and I've stopped
But for those kind enough to wonder where I've taken off to I thought...
*As most of you know, I don't really post anything anymore, but today I
have something "happy" to say....Happy Birthday Mom! You are truly loved.
(this ...
I love my best friends....My #1 best friend is my husband....but I also
have 4 best friends who also call me "sister", bff's from childhood, those
from col...
Picture yourself heading out on a trip.
A trip you want no part of.
You are "supposed" to go somewhere for your *Father*.
Somewhere you REALLY don't wa...
The last 10 days have passed in a blur. Getting ready for Family camp,
going to camp (which was so incredibly awesome!), participating in a 2-day
25+ famil...
I'm still figuring out this blog and my next step. I think about it almost
every day! I don't want you all to think I have abandoned you. I'm just
trying t...
This month I joined in with the Secret Recipe Club hosted by Amanda from Amanda's
Cookin'. Each month you are assigned a blog, make something from the blog...
Has it really been a month since my last blog post? Yeah, I've kept a
journal for at least 20 years and there are gaps in that too. I decided
long ago to g...
So, here are a few things I've been thinking about lately.
When I was pregnant with Leah, it really took a long time for the reality
of it to set in. I mea...
Yes, it's been two years. I doubt if anyone reads this anymore. Here's
what's been going on in my life! I am back at work full time after being a
stay at h...
I recently had to make another visit to The Land That Fashion Forgot. I was
scheduled for an oophorectomy, which is a complicated medical term that
means, ...
We are planning to switch Web Hosts. This may or may not have an impact on
the accessibility of my blog. Which, fortunately, has very little activity,
so i...
A post here? Really? After all this time?
Sort of. Mostly I'm just stopping by to let y'all know I do have a blog,
though it isn't the happiest place right...
Today I registered Austin for Kindergarten.
I wasn't prepared for how that would feel.
He is my baby.
How could he be 5 already?
I don't think I am go...
I made this velvety dream of a pie last Memorial Day weekend.
They call it Hoosier Sugar Cream Pie. I call it Who's-yer-Daddy Pie.
It tastes like a pie ma...
*It is not scientific doubt, not atheism, not pantheism, not agnosticism,
that in our day and in this land is likely to quench the light of the
gospel. It ...
Ice and snow are on the way to our house. These are 2 very rude guests,
coming when uninvited. As a matter of fact, they are coming to a very non
Don't you just love the soft, chubby, cherubic hands of a baby? I could
spend hours just rubbing Jill's soft little hands. But I don't love when
her nails...
Today, some 200 days after my wife’s stroke first occurred, something
special happened. She was able to give all three of her kids a 2-armed
hug. She coul...
I've been getting some homeschooling questions lately and I thought it
might be helpful to post pictures of what is in our read aloud basket right
now. We ...
I know that I probably sound really selfish but I really feel taken
advantage of. I am working from home, babysitting several children. I work
myself to ne...
Ours is now more than full. Today, Clif brought home his 1973 Chevrolet
Nova SS Hatchback. It is black (and rust) and has entertained us all day
long. He b...
The Benefits of a Deep Root System
Planted by the Water
The Hebrew word for planted is *shathal*. This verb means:
1) (Qal) to plant, transplant
When we...
I looked at you today and saw the same beautiful eyes that looked at me
with love when you were a baby.
I looked at you today and saw the same beautiful mo...
She's Becoming DoughMessTic is having a great giveaway...a PURTY RED
KITCHENAID MIXER! and I want to win it. Thus, I am posting to my blog and
this gives ...
I give up for now. I cannot find the time to keep my blog updated without
my own computer, and I am still saving money to either replace mine or
repair it....
Yes!! That is Queen Latifah!
My art in the booth!
View from our room!
Malen and I just got back from exhibiting the the Beverly Hills art show in
John Piper has some encouraging words for missions minded people....
* The worst of all times is the best of all times for missions.*
1. During an econo...
I’ve been weaning my baby this week. Or, more accurately, my nine-month-old
baby decided to wean herself last Monday, having discovered that biting was
Ha ha! Very cute picture. =)
Very cute picture...and even cuter caption!
LOL!:) Desperate times call for desperate measures.;)
Cute cats and cuter caption.
How cute! We have 2 cats too. Aren't they fun?!
Have a good day - Kellan
my cat keeps me up all night if there is no food in her bowl.
WW - Check out the Tongue!
great picture...so funny..crazy cats!
I should have used the snot picture as a wordless wednesday... i have thought I should start that kind of a post, but I am pretty sure if I tried that it would turn into WORDFUL Wednesday!
Great picture! You must keep your camera handy at all times!
I LOVE kitty pictures! Happy WW
as a cat lover...this is pretty dern cute!
heh heh! cute!
Kitties are so silly- great caption!
Funny, lol
That picture is priceless!
Hee hee!! This makes me miss my cats!!! SO funny!
Cough, cough! Hair ball! LOL!
They look like such a yin and yang! Makes me want to go and get two kitties!
that's pretty funny!
That is priceless! What a crack up.
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