Obama hates beets. I know this because AOL just told me.
This pleases me to no end because you know how, as Christians, we are supposed to pray for our leaders? Well, that was hard for me. I was making myself do it, but because I find him morally distateful, I didn't have any joy in doing it. But now? That I know that we share a passionate hatred of beets? We have a certain kinship. I feel a connection. So even though I still think that the American people made a very grievous error and perhaps lost their collective minds when they elected him, I can pray for him more easily. Because really, he CAN'T possibly be completely evil and hate beets at the same time, can he? It's so clear to me now...there MUST be good in him somewhere.
May his good judgement when it comes to vegetation bloom into good judement in all things. Amen.
In other news, Owen tells me that there is a giant blood-sucking squid attatched to my television. Since I am used to his special brand of randomness by now, I didn't even blink at this statement, but I wonder....does this have some spiritual significance, perhaps? Maybe he is seeing visions. If we were still attending that Pentecostal church, I bet they could tell me. I would rather think that there was some deep meaning to his ramblings than to think that he is just really, really weird, but I am bracing myself for the latter. Bless his heart. He freaks me out.
But he did just tell me that I am the best mama in the deep blue sea, so I guess I'll keep him anyway.
Edited to add~To all of you lovely ladies who have given me awards and tagged me...I am not ignoring you! I'm just trying to figure out how to post the awards on my blog, and I keep forgetting the tags until after I have posted, and then I tell myself I will definitely remember next time...
Until then, thank you so much for thinking of me! I'm sorry that I'm a lame blogging buddy.
This week’s prompt from Five Minute Friday is the word, “pursue.”
I’ve written a few times in the past about goodness and mercy pursuing us
(as found...
17 hours ago
well, this doesn't help me and my feelings for El Presidente-elect any. I like beets.
I hope we can still be friends.
Ah beets. The broccoli of our generation. Now the beet farmers will be all up in arms. Where does the insanity end??
A "giant blood-sucking squid"? So funny! I don't care for beets either, but I still don't know if that would change my mind about him! =S
That doesn't help me, because I like beets. Now if it had been brussel sprouts, well, that's a whole other veggie.
The squid did make me giggle though, so it's all good. :)
I hate beets too! Can I be in your prayers as well; after I've become president of course.
Yes, big sister, I think you should keep Owen, too. His randomness gives us something to talk about, and it makes our lives a little less boring.
Plus, we all get to wonder just how he got to be that random. :p
I am glad to see you are looking for the bright side of Obama...I haven't gotten to that point quite yet....I think I listen to waaaay to much Rush Limbaugh and Glen Beck...oh well, maybe someday...
There is nothing wrong with weird...i personally like to call myself unique. :)
I decided a long time ago that all children are weird.
And I haven't even gotten to the point where I'm praying specifically for our next president, although I am praying for our country.
You've given me hope that indeed, I will get there.
Love little boys and their imaginations. Both boy imaginations and beet hating presidents and beets for that matter are easier to handle with chocolate, hope you get some soon.
Great another reason not to like him!! Just teasing.
Our crazy nation lost all good sense, but at least he has one thing going for him, not liking beets makes him a little human!
I am still have a hard time with him and I try to pray for him as our future leader of our nation. For goodness sakes, it is soooo hard!
Your sense of humor tickles me. Thanks for more giggles.;)
And I would definitely keep any child that told me I was the best mama in the deep blue sea...even if he sees giant blood-sucking squids attached to the television.;) I'm just saying.;)
Have a great weekend! (And watch out for squids and beets!)
God Bless,
perhaps the blood sucking squid is really the liberal media infiltrating your home. Maybe Owen is extremely astute for his age...
enjoy! (although I'm not so sure how much enjoyin' I could do with a giant blood sucking squid on my tv...)
"May his good judgement when it comes to vegetation bloom into good judement in all things. Amen."
I cracked up at this, and then felt a little bad and told God sorry, but still laughing. Oh dear. :P
Oh My Goodness! You crack me up! Thanks for the laugh!
Very well written. I still have a hard time praying for Obama, but I too will try and I also hate beets.
you do realize that none of us are going to look at a beet the same way EVER again!!! thank you soooo much for the laugh!
I havent figured out all the ways of the blog yet so I couldnt figure out how to respond to you about MFW so I came to you...
I love MFW we used it a bit for K and for 1st - the bible in both of those is AWESOME!!! I almost wish they sold just the bible on its own to add in to another curric or another year! We are now doing Adventures which is so fun and foundational!! I would highly recommend it if your kids have an interest in how America was discovered and all the battles and wars - they are the best part for my boys!!! I have heard really good things about the Exploring countries and cultures program they do too but we will not be doing that next year! I am itching to study history from creation on so we are going to have to switch to a different curric(MFW creation is WAY above my boys levels - I think it is geared towards 5th and up) so i have been exploring mystery of history - I am leaning towards that and Biblioplan to go with it for some extra meat and book choices!! I am rambling!!!
I lOVE beets, and am praying for the fate of our nation!
Great post! Have a good weekend :)
You are so awesome, thanks for always making me smile.
I would say you have a child with a wonderful imagination! How cute is that.
Obama likes beets? Here we sit knowing nothing of all the missing years of his life but we know he likes beets. Ya gotta love the media or you'd wring their necks! LOL
I would love to think that Obama's good judgment in the vegetation department would carry over into other areas. We can hope, right? Yeah, I HATE beets, too.
We can always hold onto hope that Obama will take the wax out of his spiritual ears.
Oh, I hate beets too, actually I don't know anyone who does like them.
And Owen, You've got a special one there. ;)
The things the media picks to write about! I remember when George W. was elected, it was told how he disliked broccoli. Now we have to know about Obama's dislike for beets. I'm just sayin' ... how 'bout something important!
Sorry that you have no chocolate in the house. You do understand that I share your pain. We are kindred souls!
I also have to say that the person with the random imagination like Owen's in my home would be ... me!
good to know, i hate beets too except in my mom's soup!
Have a great weekend, I gave you a shout out on our blog!
MuchaCostaRica Round Up
uhm, can we still be friends? Pretty Please? Cause I like you... but I hav eto admit, I love beets! All their pinky goodness. I juice em. bake em, pickle em, eat em! Yum! Man, I slice em and bake em covered in orange juice and a drizzling of honey... and oh my goodness, we all fight over the pan juice... that beetified oj is just too much! we seriously fight over it, my kids and I.
Don't hate me and my pink plant.
as a regular attendee of a Pentecostal church, I can tell you that I have no clue as to the significance of a blood sucking squid attached to your life sucking machine (kidding about the life sucking thing .. only some things on there drain me.)
My son is 13. A few years ago we were at a restaurant with friends. He was talking to a dear friend and seemed to be deep in the subject they were discussing. Suddenly my friend began to laugh. He told me that my son was discussing a fairly deep subject with him and discussing it admirably. Then, during a break in the conversation, he said, and I quote, "I wish I were a monkey."
Oh, the randomness of kids. I do believe you have a keeper.
You crack me up. You definitely need a Dove milk chocolate bar--pronto!
This whole post just makes me laugh:) I've heard of looking for the good in someone, but on this one you really had to dig deep:)
so, would you eat a chocolate covered beet?
hey...when you get a chance...email me...i have a question for you!
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