First, to answer the burning question from the comments to my last post: Why, if having two of my children in public school is causing me to have heart palpitations, do we have them there in the first place? Well, the short answer is that I had to go back to taking in daycare children. The high gas prices and the rising grocery bills were making things VERY difficult around here, and while I had complete confidence in my ability to homeschool multiple children while simutaneously taking care of several active toddlers (I am SO lying right now. Pardon me while I repent. Okay, I'm back.) I began to notice that the parents of those active toddlers? Did not seem to think that I could do the job. Every time I had an interview things would go great until I mentioned that I homeschooled, and then I would watch the light fade from their eyes and they would make a hasty retreat. So we prayed. And prayed some more. And then made the choice that for right now, until we can get past the financial situation that we were in, we would put Grace and Alex in school while they were still at the elementary level and there was less possibility of them being lured into a life of crime and cronic facebook addiction. I'm hoping to bring them back home again next year. If I survive this one.
And speaking of Grace and Alex's school, they had their annual fall festival Friday night and I was viciously attacked by a huge inflatable castle. It actually deflated twice, both times with my three youngest children inside, but the second time it deflated right on top of my head. Apparently, it kept coming unplugged, but I think that explanation is very fishy. Once is an accident, but twice? It just cannot be a coincidence. I think that someone was trying to do us in, or at the very least cause us to have an ongoing fear of inflatable bouncy things. And while the castle was making it rapid descent on top of my head and the heads of three of our precious offspring, do you think that my husband tried to help us? No. He just stood there and held the kids shoes. I was appalled at his lack of heroism. You would think that he was rendered helpless by laughter or something.
That's okay, though. I will get him back. The next time he lies down on the floor and the children attack him like they are crazed lions attacking a poor, defenseless caribou ( Do lions attack caribou? What exactly is a caribou? Did I just make that up? Sudenly, it sounds weird. Caribou! Probably, I'm spelling it wrong. Cariboo? Karibough?) I will not help him. I will let him lie there and be pummelled because they are convinced he is a jungle gym. And then maybe I will go get a deflated plastic swimming pool and throw it on his head. You know...just so he will be more sympathetic next time.
Oh dear. Revenge is wrong, isn't it? Sigh. Okay. Y'all just go read someone else's blog while I go repent. I'm getting really good at it.
This week’s prompt from Five Minute Friday is the word, “pursue.”
I’ve written a few times in the past about goodness and mercy pursuing us
(as found...
17 hours ago
If you look up "oblivious" in the dictionary, one of the synonyms will be "husband."
I better go do some repenting too...Maybe we should meet for some chocolate flavored coffee...and we could repent together.;)
The financial times are so difficult here for us too...I told my husband that I am just juggling everything...and by the grace of God, it is working out.....He looked at me and asked, "You're juggling?...What happens if you drop a ball?"....To which I quickly replied, "We don't talk about that!" ;)
I am (strangely) addicted to several shows about homes with LOTS of children, one of which is the Duggar household, with 17 kids and counting. I am constantly amazed, confused, scratching my head wondering how on earth she does it....It makes my eyes glass over just thinking about it.
I pray that you can get over this financial hump, so that you can get your babes home again.:)
God Bless,
I am so cracking up right now!! =) First at your husband standing there holding the shoes while the castle eats the rest of his family, and then about you going off on your Caribou tangent. So funny!!
You should get him back and then repent, that way you don't have to do it twice. Did I just say that? OK, so now maybe I should go repent. LOL
LOL you so made me laugh :)
Hope all goes well with the school and getting the children back :)
Please remember to take photos of your children pummeling Dad, and the paddling pool!!! ;)
About the school ~ you do what you need to do. It's a hard decision to make, but you do the best you can.
Loved the story about the castle. My Dad has been guilty of turning off those things, just to see the reactions!
that sounds like the same castle that we had at our fall festival. It deflated several times as well. Of course, ours was manned by high school juniors. Boys. One of which was my son. which might explain why it kept deflating. Although he professed to be totally clueless. which I agree with. Of course, clueless is not the same as innocent, is it?
SO glad that your kiddos are having a good experience. People often ask me if I plan on homeschooling all the kids all the way through--I always laugh and say that we take homeschool one year at a time, sometimes one semester at a time, sometimes one hour at a time! ;o) But I think it is a beautiful thing that you are willing to listen to the leading of the Lord and trust Him for this season.
Oh--and your story about the 103 year old horse trainer?!?! Wow. And then the loaded weapon/toy?!? Wow. Your family has some amazing stories!!!!
I hope that things work out so you can homeschool your children next year! I agree with oblivion=husband!
I think perhaps it was a haunted inflatable castle.
Your daycare parents are funny about the homeschooling thing. I had a little boy for a year whose mother begged me to homeschool her two kids. If it were legal I could make a fortune. *sigh*
My husband would have done the same thing!! Men!
Thanks for visiting my blog and posting a message. I love your blog. I was actually home-schooled for high school, so I loved your last post about your daughter...
Happy Monday!
P.S. Check later, I hope to have the chili recipe up :)
Ha! You are a great story teller! Of course your family helps to provide you with plenty of fodder. Fodder? Words are funny things aren't they?
SO funny! Husbands - gotta love 'em. :)
I was home schooled fro K-12. :) We did alot of our own stuffin the upper grades as well.
I think you are doing great! Making decisions based on the needs of the entore family.
I was home schooled one year, I was so sick that I missed a couple of months so my mother pulled me out and home schooled my older sister and I.
I went back to public school, but my younger sister was home schooled from grade seven until grade nine. She loved it, and it was through the internet also. She was usually done all her work by noon.
I think you do what works for your family -
"less possibility of them being lured into a life of crime and chronic facebook addiction"
LOL! Love this post, and am now a follower/lurker. :-) I almost said stalker but the word scares me on here. Ack, I said it! Oh well.
I don't know what I'm going to do when the time comes to make that schooling decision... I really want to homeschool, though. I was homeschooled and see how normal I turned out? lol
I can see you out buying an inflatable swimming pool just for the occasion. Lol.
You are hilarious! Thanks for following me so I could find you and follow you!
I'm just glad to hear that everyone escaped the "magic castle" unharmed. :)
"I will let him lie there and be pummelled because they are convinced he is a jungle gym. And then maybe I will go get a deflated plastic swimming pool and throw it on his head." Cracking up over this. I love how quick you are to repent too! LOL
Oh my goodness...the castle thing so could be MY world!
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
:-) Susan
Thanks for "stopping by" at my place yesterday. Great story about the jumping castle. How typical that for a woman to return an act of obliviousness, it is necessarily a thought out revenge. Ah well.
And I think were it not for the fact that caribou live in the arctic north, and lions are of course in Africa, that would be a prefect visual. ;-) I'm sure if a caribou decided to go on a safari, the lion would target him immediately.
You can 'borrow' my peanut butter babe anytime--I'm sure he'd be happy to do some more photo shoots of today's ilk!
That's funny about the castle :) and hugs about the homeschooling issues :)
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