Edited to add~ The more I look at this picture, the more it looks like Alex's arms are...weird. I have no idea what he was doing, but he does actually have forearms...and hands, even. This picture makes him look like he has flaming flippers coming out of his elbows. I have some mad photography skillz, y'all.
This week’s prompt from Five Minute Friday is the word, “pursue.”
I’ve written a few times in the past about goodness and mercy pursuing us
(as found...
17 hours ago
lol, funny
"Way Back When-esday" is bound to catch on! That's hilarious! I love the pic, too...Owen looks like he is depressed, all saggy ears and all.
I like the Way Back When-esday thing, you little rebel you.
So funny! Love the Mickey costume!! If they made that in adult size, my husband would SO be Mickey for Halloween!! =)
Very funny!:)
Some people end up having to pay their children in order to post old pictures of them dressed up in costumes to share with tens of people on the internet.
Not me, of course, but I've heard stories.;)
Oh Gwendolyn, what a riot! Love that image...and thank you so much for playing along with Way Back When-esday! (Keep 'em comin'!)
Oh wow! Too cute! Thanks for sharing.
I'm happy to meet you and enjoyed chuckling through several posts.
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
I homeschooled for one year. And thereafter told people that you should do it at least once - it makes it very easy to write the check to private school. We did some public school along the way too and they all turned out wonderful and smart. Let's hear it for grace!!
I'm glad you're a rebel...that's a great photo!
I'm a rebel that way too. If I take a picture and one of the kids says "Don't you dare show that to anyone", you know I'm going to post it. LOL
That is so cute. And I love how you brought our attention to the arms that look...weird. :)
You know, I did wonder about the arms. Hehe. Cute Picture!
LOL LOve your comments! Very funny & I was wondering about his arms.
Happy WBW!
HEY Gwen! Sory I'm soo long in commenting back, I want to take tiem to read your blog too (I love the url!!) but man, time is precious, and I haven't read ANY blog in... too long! ANywho, thanks so much for visiting my blog and for yoru comments! It takes me at least 6 months or more to get 11 comments! But I'm not jealous... :)
You are very funny, I look forward to eventualy having time to check out more stuff, and Way Back When-sday will DEFinitely catch on!!! Just gotta get the word out!
*side hugs* :)
Ok, you're over exaggerating. It's not that bad. It's cute to see the oldest dressed up :)
Too funny! I love old pics.....
Yep, those flaming arms are cracking me up!
Halloween torture! That's our right as parents :)
Haha! Cute! I love digging out old pics to embaress the kids.
I love the Mickey....my oldest wore the same costume at about the same age and made a similar face....must be something about the costume!
Very cute!
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