Yesterday the daycare children (of which I presently only have two) came in with ziplock bags of cocoa puffs for breakfast. Owen took one look and decided that he, too, would like to partake of such a delectible meal, and who am I to argue with peer presure? Since I own both ziplock bags AND cocoa puffs, I quickly made him up a bag and mentally high-fived myself for getting out of having to actually cook anything. I didn't even have to use dishes! Or utensils! My joy, it was overflowing.
As soon as I handed him the bag, he plopped himself down on the floor facing my kitchen. Immediately, the daycare children sat down beside him, and they all three commenced crunching their cereal while staring at some point on my kitchen wall to the left of my dishwasher but slightly avove the doorknob of the pantry. I looked too, but didn't see anything but the wall. So I sat down beside them and stared for a minute, wondering what in the world we were looking at. Finally, I asked them.
"Mom," Owen replied, looking at me as if I were a very slow creature that he felt obligated to tolerate, "We're watching a movie. This is our popcorn."
Of course.
They proceeded to sit that way for FIFTEEN MINUTES, y'all. Fifteen minutes while I signed on and put up my Wordless Wednesday picture (and shockingly, you were all correct about the dry-erase marker culprit. However did you know?) and my living room was totally quiet except for the crunching of cocoa puffs and the sipping of sippy cups. I was flabergasted. But the experience left me with one persistent thought, one nagging idea that just won't let go of me no matter how much I try to ignore it. I don't think I'm strong enough to withstand the pressure.
I've just got to get me a bowl of that cereal.
This week’s prompt from Five Minute Friday is the word, “pursue.”
I’ve written a few times in the past about goodness and mercy pursuing us
(as found...
17 hours ago
LoL - That's so funny! I can't wait for those times when kids shock you with their words (both funny and embarrassing). :-) Cocoa Puffs DO sound good... but I think you'd need the brand-name stuff, not that off-brand chocolate cereal. ;-)
Kids are so funny! Their imaginations are wonderful!
Hmmm, I wish I'd known this trick when my children were small.
Sorry for the brief comment but I'm on my way to the grocery store for cocoa puffs and ziplocks...
Blessings, Whitney
Very cute!! I am loving your posts!!
Hmm...gonna hafta get me some cocoa puffs and ziploc baggies. I need a morning like that!
Okay, this is too funny. I thought I'd heard everything a child could do with a bag of cereal, but never heard that one. Don't you LOVE their imaginations? And to think, 15 minutes?? Wow. Remember that one someday when you hear "I'm bored." Just go tell them to checkout the latest film over on the wall-o-plex.
gee! thanks! Now I want cocoa puffs. Your not helping my crazy cravings month. Not nice! LOL!!
Just wanted to say Hi back! Thanks for leaving a message on my blog. Glad to have met you!!! I love the thought of our children in Heaven together.
I love it! Did you ask what movie they were watching? Too funny!
why do we bother purchasing expensive toys? Now, if you'll excuse me, I am going to go grab a bag of cocoa puffs and take a hot relaxing bath. (see, I don't need toys either!)
enjoy the day!
Gwed: Yes, it's "I want what they're having," for sure. Don't you wonder what movie was playing? And does this wonder cereal weave the same magic on co-workers?
Oh, the peer pressure! Well, they're not really your peers ... but still, we always want what everyone else has ...
Great post, as usual! You crack me up! (I loved the post about Owen and the big bug as well.)
Hee hee! Love me some cocoa puffs--and its hypnotic-inducing state on children....
That is so adorable. I love when kids use their imaginations...cute
Man, that boy is creative...can you imagine what he's going to be when he grows up??
I wonder if that would work on my kids?
The only thing I, personally, like about cocoa puffs is that they're honest. They do not pretend to be "chocolate" puffs. Chocolate contains cocoa, but cocoa does NOT taste like chocolate. Chocolate milk, chocolate ice cream, these are deceitful things. But cocoa puffs are honest about themselves.
Kids are so cute, I love it.
I once watched my 7 yr old son laying all stretched out on the sidewalk with a friend. He said they were being cement!
I so need to do this with my dayhome kids. 15 minutes of quiet and peace? I'll buy a case of cocoa puffs for that! :v)
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